Become a Member


Membership in RPBO is available to all interested individuals. Our membership numbers play a major role in our ability to qualify for grant funding. All field volunteers must become RPBO members. The majority of the membership fee goes to purchase a membership in BC Nature and the insurance required for our operations.

Rocky Point Bird Observatory members are automatically members of BC Nature, a federation of local nature clubs throughout BC. BC Nature works to provide naturalists and nature clubs of BC with a unified voice on conservation and environmental issues.

Gift a Membership

Is there a dedicated volunteer in your life? A young person just beginning to know birds? A friend you would like to spend more time birding with?  

Please contact and have the mailing address and email address of the recipient as well as the type of membership you'd like to give.  Gifting a membership is a great way to deepen someone's involvement in the fascinating world of birds - it feels good to share the joy!

Rewards of Membership

Support the work of RPBO and become a partner in bird conservation.

  • Stay informed through newsletter updates, live and video
    conference presentations, special offerings and so much more!
  • Build lasting friendships with others who share your passion for birds.
  • Meet the birds you are helping to protect.
  • Receive invitations to participate in special birding activities
    throughout the year, such as Christmas Bird Count and Victoria Bird Week.


  • Open the door to training on bird identification, monitoring techniques and conservation strategies.
  • Receive discounts on special courses and events offered throughout the year.
  • Receive the BC Nature quarterly magazine, featuring articles about birds and conservation issues throughout BC.

With your membership, you will receive emails announcing events and presentations, as well as our monthly newsletters.  We love hearing from you! If you have any questions please reach out to

Underage Members

While we encourage underage volunteers, there are some restrictions. If you are 17 years of age or younger, you must be accompanied by an adult/legal guardian at all times while on any of our sites.  **No one under 18 years of age is permitted on Rocky Point's restricted access site.**

Membership Categories

We have various membership categories as outlined in the table below along with the benefits associated with each membership category.

Individual $20 1 year *3 Y N Y N
Family $25 1 year *3 Y N Y N
Contributing $100 1 year *3 Y Y *4 Y Y
Sustaining $500 1 year *3 Y Y *4 Y Y
Lifetime $1,000 Lifetime *5 Y Y *6 Y Y
  1. Program participation is subject to the needs of the program, abilities of the individual and is at the discretion of the staff member in charge.
  2. Anonymous recognition upon request.
  3. Annual memberships are valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
  4. Tax receipts will be for the amount paid less the family membership rate. They will be emailed to the address supplied on the membership application annually (in January or early February).
  5. Lifetime memberships apply to families as well as individuals. For families, the membership expires with the death of the last parent.
  6. Tax receipts will be for the amount paid less 10 times the family membership rate. They will be emailed to the address supplied on the membership application (in January or early February).

There are 3 steps to joining:

  1. Fill out the form
  2. Acknowledge that you have read and agree to the waiver by clicking the box
  3. Make your payment (you will be guided)
If you have paid the current year's Membership Fee, you are eligible to volunteer at our public-access Bird Monitoring sites, and for our Education & Outreach events. Please complete our Online Volunteer Form by clicking the button below. Once your online Form has been received, you will be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator.
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