

RPBO members can request reimbursement for expenses incurred and supplies purchased related to our projects. This does not include mileage. The expense form is available in two formats:

  • Excel so you can enter the info digitally, save and print/email
  • PDF for you to print and handwrite the info and then give/send

Please make sure you sign/put your name on the back of the receipts. To fill out the form in Excel:

  1. Fill in your Name with your name, and the Period covered, e.g., 7 June - 15 July 2014. If you want a different name on the cheque, please indicate that when you return the form.
  2. LEAVE BLANK Cheque Number and Cheque Date.
  3. Fill in the project name, date, expense (description of what it was), supplier (where you spent $$) and total amount and GST. The amount before GST will be calculated for you, as will the total expenses and total GST.

Hopefully, this make tracking miscellaneous reimbursements easier. Thanks for your cooperation in this. Please email the treasurer if you have any questions or have trouble with the files.

RPBO is not able to reimburse people for their driving expenses; however, we encourage you to keep track of the dates you volunteered, and the number of kilometres travelled per trip to and from our sites. If you submit a signed Mileage Claim Form with this information to the treasurer, RPBO will issue you a tax receipt for a charitable donation at the end of the season. The mileage claim form is available as a PDF or Excel spreadsheet. 

  • Excel so you can enter the info digitally, save, and print/email
  • PDF to print and handwrite the info and then send. Please print the PDF form, fill it in with your travel information, and at the end of the year, mail it to the treasurer at: 

Suite # 170
1581-H Hillside Ave
Victoria, BC V8T 2C1

If you have any questions about the mileage allowance, please email the treasurer.

Please see our Membership page

Please see our Volunteering page

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