Reports & Publications
Strategic Plan
Annual Reports
our ABOUT US brochure
A brief introduction to our programs and projects.These brochures are distributed by RPBO staff and volunteers at outreach events and are also available online for download as a pdf..
About Bird Conservation (ABC)
Our About Bird Conservation (ABC) brochure series is RPBO's featured printed material for educating the public about bird conservation. These brochures are distributed by RPBO staff and volunteers at outreach events and are also available online for download.
Birds of Outerbridge Park
Outerbridge Park’s proximity to Mount Douglas Park, Blenkinsop Lake and the Lochside Trail in Saanich, BC make it a perfect stopover spot for a wide variety of species. And many more will pass overhead during migration.
Here's a list of the majority of birds you could see while visiting the park. Birds of Outerbridge Park
A report is produced each year after the end of the season by the Bander in Charge, in coordination with the Project Coordinator. The following years for each are available as pdfs.
MAPS Monitoring Avian Productivity & Survivorship
Witty's Lagoon
- 2024 Power To Be - Prospect Lake
- 2023 Power To Be - Prospect Lake
- 2022 Power To Be - Prospect Lake
- 2021 Power To Be - Prospect Lake
- 2019 Madrona Farms
- 2018 Madrona Farms
- 2017 Madrona Farms
- 2016 Madrona Farms
- 2015 Madrona Farms
- 2014 Madrona Farms
- 2013 Madrona Farms
- 2012 Madrona Farms
- 2011 Madrona Farms
- 2010 Rocky Point
- 2009 Rocky Point
- 2008 Royal Roads & Rocky Point
- 2005 Royal Roads & Rocky Point
- 2004 Rocky Point
Research Papers
Determination of Sex Using Wing Chord in Southern Vancouver Island Populations of Bewick’s Wren and “Puget Sound” White-crowned Sparrow - 2020. NABB - Vol 45, Issue 3, Pg112. David M. Bell.
Classic pattern of leapfrog migration in Sooty Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis) is not supported by direct migration tracking of individual birds - 2018. The AUK - Volume 135, pp. 572 - Kevin C. Fraser, Amelie Roberto-Charron, Bruce Cousens, Michael Simmons, Ann Nightingale, Amanda Shave, Renee Cormier, Diana Humple
Survival and winter site fidelity of Sooty Fox Sparrows on Southern Vancouver Island - 2020. Michael Simmons. British Columbia Birds 30:2–6
Conspecific nest aggression in the Pacific wren on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 2013. Western Birds 03/2013; 44(1):56-64. Ann Nightingale, Ron Melcer Jr.
Observation of a Red-shouldered Hawk on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, during fall migration - 2010. Ian Cruickshank and Ron Melcer, Jr. British Columbia Birds 20
Research Papers - Hummingbirds
Demographic mechanisms and anthropogenic drivers of contrasting population dynamics of hummingbirds. English S.G., Wilson S., Zhao Q., Bishop C.A., and Moran A.J. (2023). Biol Cons BIOCON-D-23-00765.
Temporal and spatial patterns of systemic insecticides in avian and insect pollinators and lowers in western Canada (2018, 2019). Bishop CA, English SG, Maisonneuve F, Moran AJ, Higo HA, Common J, Hick KG, and Elliott JE. (2022) Environ Adv 8:100211.
Geographic and Temporal Variation in Annual Survival of a Declining Neotropical Migrant Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) Under Varying Fire, Snowpack, and Climatic Conditions. Drake A, Bishop CA, Moran AJ and Wilson S (2022) Front Ecol Evol 10:825026. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.825026.
Determination of neonicotinoids and butenolide residues in avian and insect pollinators and their ambient environment in Western Canada (2017, 2018) Christine A.Bishop, Million B.Woundneh, France Maisonneuve, Julia Common, John E.Elliott, Alison J.Moran
Population Trends & Neonicotinoid Exposure in Hummingbirds - - Christine Bishop, Alison Moran, Michelle Toshack, Scott Wilson, Elizabeth Elle, Adam Smith and John Elliott, 2017
Determination of neonicotinoids and butenolide residues in avian and insect pollinators and their ambient environment in Western Canada (2017, 2018). Bishop CA, Woundneh M, Maisonneuve F, Common J, Elliott JE, and Moran AJ. (2020) Science of The Total Environment, 737, 139386.
DNA metabarcoding allows non-invasive identification of arthropod prey provisioned to nestling Rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus). Moran AJ, Prosser SWJ, Moran JA. (2019) PeerJ 7:e6596
Hummingbirds and Bumble Bees Exposed to Neonicotinoid and Organophosphate Insecticides in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Bishop CA., Moran AJ., Toshack MC, Elle E, Maisonneuve F, and Elliott JE. (2018) Environ Toxicol Chem. 37 (8):2143-2152.
An exploration of migratory connectivity of the Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus), using feather deuterium. Moran, J. A., L. I. Wassenaar, J. C. Finlay, C. Hutcheson, L. A. Isaac, and S. M. Wethington. Journal of Ornithology volume 154, pages423–430 (2013).
Moran, A. and Fraser, D.F. (2015) Rufous Hummingbird in Davidson, P.J.A., R.J. Cannings, A.R. Couturier, D. Lepage, and C.M. Di Corrado (eds.). The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of British Columbia, 2008-2012. Bird Studies Canada. Delta, B.C
Moran, A. and Fraser, D.F. (2015) Black-chinned Hummingbird in Davidson, P.J.A., R.J. Cannings, A.R. Couturier, D. Lepage, and C.M. Di Corrado (eds.). The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of British Columbia, 2008-2012. Bird Studies Canada. Delta, B.C.
Moran, A. and Fraser, D.F. (2015) Calliope Hummingbird in Davidson, P.J.A., R.J. Cannings, A.R. Couturier, D. Lepage, and C.M. Di Corrado (eds.). The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of British Columbia, 2008-2012. Bird Studies Canada. Delta, B.C.
Moran, A. and Fraser, D.F. (2015) Anna's Hummingbird in Davidson, P.J.A., R.J. Cannings, A.R. Couturier, D. Lepage, and C.M. Di Corrado (eds.). The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of British Columbia, 2008-2012. Bird Studies Canada. Delta, B.C.
Site Comparison Poster presented at the 2017 International Bird Observatory Conference.
OwlNet Wireless Network Sensor presented at the 2017 International Bird Observatory Conference.
Modifications to Hummingbird Casting Jacket Design (2009)
Fractures in Purple Finches Present as Wing Strain (Nightingale,A. , Moore-Reid,W.)
Panama Flats Bird Survey - Ian Cruickshank, 2013
Peak Migration Report (through 2008) - Seabrooke Leckie, 2008
Trends in Abundance of Migratory Songbirds at Rocky Point Bird Observatory - Katie S Christie, 2004
Nocturnal Acoustic Monitoring Project- Jessica Murray, 2004
Bird Populations are Declining - Mike Motek
Dealing with Problem Birds- Ann Nightingale