Community Education

Our Mission

Rocky Point Bird Observatory seeks to influence and inform ecological management practices and conservation of migratory birds in western North America through monitoring, scientific research and public education.

Rocky Point Bird Observatory believes in conservation through community education. Whatever your level of experience, we have opportunities for you to learn more about birds and their habitats in our region.

Events Calendar

Stay up to date with the RPBO activities and Community events

** For Volunteer Opportunities specific to our 
Education and Outreach program, please visit our 
Opportunities page (top menu) for a Job Description **

For Everyone

Bird Walks in Outerbridge Park (Victoria) on the 2nd Sunday of every month.  To read more about the history between RPBO and Outerbridge Park, click here.

Wonderwalks Birding with your kids or grandkids offers a wide range of benefits far beyond the birds!  Connect with nature, learn together, spend time cultivating an appreciation and respect for nature in children.  What a wonderful way to teach about conservation and environmental stewardship, while enjoying a fun, relaxing and endlessly interesting hobby as a family.

Bird Walks at Pedder Bay Marina (Metchosin) during the migration monitoring season from July 21 to October 18, every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. (meet outside the Pedder Bay Coffee Shop at 9am. Participants are advised to wear sturdy footwear and bring their own binoculars)

Banding Station visits at Pedder Bay Marina (Song Birds or Owls)

Virtual presentations (online via Zoom)

Victoria Bird Week (May)

World Migratory Bird Day (May)

Christmas Bird Count

Christmas Bird Count for Kids

**Request a private presentation by emailing**

For Educators

Visit our Youth Education page or email  for more information.

  • School Programs for Grades K-12
  • Field Trips to the Banding Station
  • Summer Camp / Community Group Programs

For Avid Learners & Bird Enthusiasts

Visit our Training opportunities page to learn about our bird banding workshop, Bird Call CD, and more.

Demonstrations and Live Presentations

Slideshow presentations, birding walks and banding demonstrations for your school or organization can be arranged by contacting

Subjects include RPBO projects (migration monitoring, owl monitoring, hummingbird monitoring), birds of Victoria and southern Vancouver Island, planned giving, wild animal rehabilitation, BC Breeding Bird Atlas and other topics familiar to RPBO volunteers.

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