Pollinator Week

Pollinator Week 2024 - June 17 to 22

Please join us during Pollinator Week for educational activities that highlight the important yet commonly overlooked role that many songbirds play as pollinators.

Hummingbirds are the most well-known pollinator species, but there are many other species that do this important work.  Sparrows, warblers, bushtits and tanagers forage in flowering trees and shrubs, spreading pollen as they flit from tree to tree.

Science has estimated pollinators support 75% of the world's flowering plants and 35% of the world's food crops. Yet despite their importance, we are losing pollinators at an alarming rate. We at RPBO want to raise awareness about the important role birds play in pollination and make a positive difference for pollinators by sharing our knowledge with you.

The RPBO team invites you to join us in raising awareness and celebrating all of the beautiful pollinators we have here on Vancouver Island.

Thank you, and have a lovely Pollinator Week!

Ashlea Veldhoen, Lead Educator

Celebrate Pollinator Week with us!

Pollinator Week 2024 is a celebration of the vital role that pollinators play in our ecosystems, economies, and agriculture. Under the inspiring theme "Vision 2040: Thriving Ecosystems, Economies, and Agriculture," this year's event urges us to envision a future where pollinators not only survive, but thrive. These essential creatures, including bees, butterflies, moths, bats, beetles and hummingbirds, are the unsung heroes behind the food we enjoy and the beauty that surrounds us. 

By understanding the impact of our actions on their habitats and embracing sustainable practices, we can pave the way for a flourishing future. Join us in celebrating Pollinator Week 2024, and let's cultivate a world where both nature and humanity thrive in harmony. Explore our resources, learn about pollinator-friendly initiatives, and be inspired to contribute to the vision of a greener and more sustainable tomorrow.

Each year, RPBO supports Pollinator Week with educational events for all ages.  Please check the RPBO Event Calendar for upcoming events - and follow us on social media for last-minute updates.

WCSP_willow pollen

White-crowned Sparrow covered in willow pollen.                  (Photo: Mike McGrenere)

Show us your best “bird covered in pollen” photos this June!  We'll post them on our social media pages during Pollinator Week (June 17-23)!

Submit your photos through direct messages on social media or to education@rpbo.org by June 10!  Be sure to include your username so we can tag you. Please also feel free to share the story behind the photo and include the species, location, date, and pollen type (if you know!).
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