Online Presentations
Feathers and Flight Nights
RPBO offers monthly virtual online presentations via the Zoom platform. If you would like to suggest a topic for a presentation, please send an email to
A list of upcoming programs is presented on our Google Calendar of Events
RPBO Podcast
Check out our podcasts from RPBO's Bird Babble, hosted by volunteers Mark & Robyn Byrne, about RPBO's programs and all things birdie in the Greater Victoria region.
28 Episodes from April 2020 to January 2023
References from Past Presentations
Baby Birds: Video: Chicken Embryo Growth
Cuba: Cuban bird guide
Birds-of-Paradise: Video: Birds-of-Paradise Project Introduction
Feathers: Plumology (FEATHERS) with Dr. Allison Shultz (podcast)
Feathers: Feathered Dinosaurs podcast
Gulls: Gull cheat sheet (PDF)
A 10,000 km Pelagic Trip - Japan to Vancouver: Ann's blog from the trip