Speakers Bureau Presentations
Community Presentations
The Rocky Point Bird Observatory is proud to provide community presentations provided by volunteer speakers from among our membership and affiliates who participate in our various programs and have attained expertise in birds and bird conservation.
Through the bureau, our knowledgeable volunteers make themselves available to speak to community groups, schools, clubs and other organizations throughout Greater Victoria and southern Vancouver Island. RPBO is known for its strengths in knowledge of the bird conservation world and the many threats facing our bird populations today. The Speakers Bureau was created in response to the many requests we receive for presentations that:
- increase your knowledge of local birds
- show you how birding can contribute to your health and wellness
- support your learning of bird monitoring and the impact of these programs
- demonstrate what you can do to make a difference to birds!
We currently offer four topics:
Owls of Southern Vancouver Island
Thirteen species of owls have been documented at least once on southern Vancouver Island. Each has unique and fascinating characteristics. Learn more about the owls in our area - where they live, how they live, and which of them can be heard asking "Who cooks for you?
Winter Birds
Who is that enjoying your backyard feeder? Which birds hang around all winter? This presentation will introduce you to a surprising variety of birds we can see in this area during the coldest months of the year - and provide many insights and facts to make your winter birding experience even more rewarding.
How technology is changing how we see birds
Bird banding and band recoveries are among the oldest techniques used to study migratory routes of birds. Today, technology is changing how we can learn from birds, and much of what we are learning is very surprising. Join us to hear about extraordinary new methods to learn about birds, and some amazing new discoveries.
Spring Birds
Spring is a time of transition, and that’s true with our local birds, too. Some molt into brighter plumage, some head to the hills or far north to breed, and some return from their wintering grounds to set up territories on Vancouver Island. This slide-illustrated talk will share interesting stories and songs of many of the species that you can expect to see this spring.
Details and Disclaimers
To request a presentation, please email development@rpbo.org. We will contact you as soon as possible to finalize booking details.
Expert and professional topics offered by the Rocky Point Bird Observatory Speakers Bureau reflect the knowledge and experience of RPBO staff and volunteers.
Although the Speakers Bureau operates as a volunteer service to the community, we ask that you cover any travel expenses outside the CRD that our speakers may incur
If it's the normal practice of your group to offer an honorarium to speakers, we ask that you extend the same courtesy to our speakers. Funds received through the speakers bureau support our migration monitoring programs.
We reserve the right to limit the number of speakers provided to any one group
Please acknowledge the RPBO Speakers Bureau when introducing speakers to your group, and in any advertising and media interviews related to the speaking engagements.
The views and opinions expressed by members of the RPBO Speakers Bureau do not necessarily reflect those of RPBO leadership and staff.