Victoria Bird Week
Victoria Bird Week
A week-long celebration of birds and birding, RPBO's Victoria Bird Week is intended to provide special experiences, education, and information about birds and the threats that face them and bring together bird lovers to strengthen our community.
Throughout the week, we offer exciting birding opportunities such as guided bird walks, birding by bike, online and in-person presentations, a Be a Better Birder course and a very unique and special birding tour with Eagle Wings Tours!
All guided bird walks, online and in-person educational presentations, and family events on World Migratory Bird Day are offered free of charge as a gift to the bird-loving public.
A full list of Victoria Bird Week Events can be found at
5th Annual Victoria Bird Week - Save the Date!
World Migratory Bird Day - May 10, 2025
Victoria Bird Week - May 10 - 17, 2025
Victoria Bird Week is supported by Victoria Natural History Society and Greater Victoria Naturehood.