Monitoring Projects
Migration Monitoring (est.1994)
Rocky Point Bird Observatory monitors songbirds migrating in the fall across southern Vancouver Island at two sites in Metchosin - on the restricted lands of the DND at Rocky Point, and on public land at Pedder Bay Marina.
Nocturnal Owl Monitoring Project (est. 2002)
The Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) is a small, migratory raptor which has been monitored extensively in Eastern North America since the 1950s. However, little has been known about the Western population of these owls.
MAPS Project (est. 2003)
The Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program is managed by the Institute for Bird Populations to assess and monitor the vital rates and population dynamics of North American landbirds.
Hummingbird Project (est. 2009)
We are a science-based project dedicated to the conservation of hummingbird populations and their habitats throughout BC.
Seawatch (est. 2016)
This long-term and year-round program aims to monitor waterbird moving and staging in Juan de Fuca Strait off southern Vancouver.
*PILOT PROJECT - Motus (est. 2021)
Motus is the world's largest collaborative automated radio telemetry array, using receivers that automatically record signals from radio transmitters. The Motus Wildlife Tracking System provides an excellent opportunity to study migration and habitat use by Northern Saw-whet Owls.