
Volunteer Orientation

In an effort to provide opportunities for volunteer training, we hold  Volunteer Orientation classroom sessions each year.  This is your opportunity to ask any questions you might have about volunteering with us!  We cover what to expect in the various volunteer roles that exist with RPBO, the conduct we expect of our volunteers, and some logistical considerations.

Please read our Migration Monitoring Protocol prior to attending any of these sessions.  Email our volunteer coordinator to inquire about dates or to register for a session.

Bird Monitoring and Banding Workshop

** Sign up is January for the spring Workshop. Watch for announcements in the new year**

Each spring, Rocky Point Bird Observatory offers an introductory course on bird monitoring and banding in Victoria, BC. The workshop focuses on bird identification, monitoring procedures and techniques, sexing and aging.

There is an Online Lecture component that covers an introduction to bird banding and the basics of aging and sexing.
The Field Component is an in-person field session which provides an exciting opportunity to further develop ID skills with lab specimens and get hands-on experience conducting mist netting and bird banding with trained professionals. Participants also have the opportunity to learn about bird safety, ethics, and data collection.

Join a program that has consistently exceeded expectations and delivered exceptional learning experiences for birders, potential banding program participants, or experienced volunteers!

RPBO Banding Station Techniques

RPBO's attendance at the 2023 IBOC Conference in Mexico showcased a presentation by Jannaca Chick entitled “Evolution of Banding Station Techniques at Rocky Point Bird Observatory", which focused on the techniques RPBO has implemented and perfected over the years. It emphasized how we are committed to continual improvement at our stations regarding bird safety, efficiency, data collection, and volunteer management. The talk generated much interest and discussion among conference participants and our colleagues.
The following videos show RPBO members demonstrating our specific techniques in and around our banding station:

Bird Call Resource Kit (CD format)

RPBO has developed a Bird Call Resource Kit for birds in the Greater Victoria area. Calls differ from songs in that they are sung by both sexes and can be heard at any time of the year.  This kit was developed to assist RPBO members who want to increase their skills so they can do census during fall migration but it should be of use to any experienced local birder wanting to take their birding to the next level.
If you would like more information on the content please contact  To purchase a CD, visit our RPBO SHOP page.
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